Dr. Green is Professor of Nursing and Dean Emeriti at Texas Tech University Health Science Center. In addition, she is a Visiting Professor at the University of New Mexico where she serves as Project Director for the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Nursing and Health Policy Collaborative. She has been actively engaged in teaching systems leadership, quality improvement sciences, patient safety, and health policy leadership for many years. Dr. Green’s work has focused primarily on state health policy initiatives. She was appointed by the Governor to the Board of Directors of the Texas Institute of Health Care Quality and Efficiency (2012-2015) and the Texas Health Care Policy Council (2006-2010). Dr. Green was founding co-chair of the Texas Center for Nursing Workforce Studies Advisory Committee, working with a team of other nurse leaders to provide sound evidence based data for use in policy making by state legislators. She is a Fellow in the American Academy of Nursing and a Robert Wood Johnson Executive Nurse Leader Fellow. Dr. Green is also a past president of the Texas Nurses Association and a founding member of the Texas Nursing Education Policy Coalition, Texas Nursing Legislative Policy Coalition, and the Texas Patient Safety Alliance. She has led multiple community and statewide coalitions during her career, including obtaining grant funding for these initiatives with agencies such as the National Science Foundation, the U.S. Department of Labor, and the Health Resources and Services Administration. Dr. Green currently serves as a consultant to the Center to Champion Nursing in America and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation – supporting the national Campaign for Action which is focused on achieving the Institute of Medicine Future of Nursing goals across all 50 states. Previously she served as founding co-lead of the Texas Team Advancing Nursing Health through Nursing, an Action Coalition of the Initiative on the Future of Nursing: Campaign for Action.