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Office of the Federal Register

The Office of the Federal Register informs citizens of their rights and obligations, documents the actions of federal agencies, and provides a forum for public participation in the democratic process. The office’s publications provide access to a wide range of federal benefits and opportunities for funding and contain comprehensive information about the various activities of the U.S. government. In addition, the office also administers the Electoral College for presidential elections and the constitutional amendment process.

The Federal Register is updated daily by 6 a.m. and is published Monday through Friday, except federal holidays, and consists of four types of entries.

  • Presidential Documents, including executive orders and proclamations.
  • Rules and Regulations, including policy statements and interpretations of rules.
  • Proposed Rules, including petitions for rulemaking and other advance proposals.
  • Notices, including scheduled hearings and meetings open to the public, grant applications, administrative orders, and other announcements of government actions.

The Office of the Federal Register (OFR) of the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA), and the U.S. Government Publishing Office (GPO) jointly administer the website.

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