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IOM Report: Achieving Health Equity via the Affordable Care Act

Achieving Health Equity via the Affordable Care Act:
Promises, Provisions, and Making Reform a Reality for Diverse Patients: Workshop Summary (2015)


Karen M. Anderson and Steve Olson, Rapporteurs; Roundtable on the Promotion of Health Equity and the Elements of Health Disparities; Board on Population Health and Public Health Practice; Institute of Medicine; National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine


Since its creation by the Institute of Medicine (IOM) in 2007, the Roundtable on the Promotion of Health Equity and the Elimination of Health Disparities has been fostering dialogue on racial and ethnic disparities in health and health care, examining the development of programs and strategies to reduce disparities, and encouraging the emergence of new leadership focused on health equity. For the past several years, a prominent topic of discussion within the roundtable has been the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA). The ACA has multiple provisions specific to race, ethnicity, and language and other provisions with significant implications for racially and ethnically diverse populations.

In April 2013, the roundtable held a workshop to address many issues surrounding the ACA, including expansion of coverage, delivery systems, and access points, service delivery and payment reform, public-private partnerships, and challenges to the safety net. This report summarizes the presentations and discussions from the workshop.


Publication Info

100 pages | 6 x 9
ISBN: 978-0-309-29463-8
DOI: 10.17226/18551