On October 25, 2015, the UNM Health Science Center School of Medicine hosted MEDTalks, an inter-professional event that took place at the UNM Student Union Building on main campus. MED (Motivate.Educate.Dream.) Talk is events have been organized on university campuses across the U.S, and students from the various Health Sciences programs, schools, and colleges were encouraged last spring to audition and present their diverse ideas, experiences, and passions in a public forum. Each chosen speaker was assigned an editor and provided coaching through the summer to prepare for their MedTalk.
RWJF Nursing and Health Policy Collaborative Fellow Elizabeth Dickson, MSN, RN, was one of five speakers selected to present. The title of her talk was The Power of Asking Why. Other speakers represented the Department of Emergency Medicine, the Occupational Therapy Program, and the School of Medicine. All of the MedTalks were inspirational, encouraging, and yes, educational! You can access video of the MED Talks below.